The Greens
Winston Trails Summer Tennis
What Sport Out performs All Others in Developing Personality Characteristics?
Sociability * Spontaneity * Creativity * Mental Focus * Competitiveness * Adventurousness * Assertiveness.
Attached is the new schedule or to register online @
It’s not too late to get started! Check the website for information on Summer Tennis Academy
Improper Tree Trimming
This is the time of year homeowners schedule to have the trees on your property trimmed. It is important that homeowners have the canopy or hardwood trees trimmed in the proper manner.
“Hat Racking, Lion Tail, or stumping” trees is strictly prohibited. Please be certain if you hire a tree trimmer they are licensed and familiar with the proper way to trim trees within the Palm Beach County code. If you trim your trees please refer to the Palm Beach County Landscape website that will show you how to proper lift and thin a hardwood tree.
Hat Racking includes flat cutting the top or sides of a tree, severing of the leader or leaders, making intermodal cuts, pruning a tree by stubbing off mature wood larger than three inches in diameter or reducing the tree total canopy spread by one-third or more. Many of you have seen trees chopped to a large stump or all branches removed at except for the very top of the tree. This type of trimming is very damaging to a tree. The tree will always be in a weakened state and will never recover and grow into a healthy normal shaped tree again. So if you are trimming trees in this manner to attempt to make them safer for hurricane season the exact opposite is true. In additional if you are trimming the tree in this manner to help eliminate the leaves falling you will actually end up with more leaves and very small branches causing more leaves to drop. The association wants to encourage everyone to schedule to have your hardwood trees properly trimmed. You will find additional information on the website
Please do not place landscape debris at the curb before Wednesday afternoon for Thursday pick-up. Pay your tree trimmer to haul away the debris.